marriage secrets

marriage secrets 7
marriage secrets 1
marriage secrets 2
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marriage secrets 3



Secret # 21. There is nothing wrong with having less than loving feelings

about your spouse when you've had a major disagreement. However, there is

something wrong with harboring those ill feelings to that point of harming your

relationship. Following those times of disagreement, help yourself to calm down

by reminding yourself of your spouses many positive traits and you'll be

surprised at how easily those loving feelings return.


Secret # 22. It is common for partners to assume that if their spouse really

loved them, they would know their needs or wants without telling them. The

reality of any relationship is that the responsibility of knowing what is needed or

wanted rests upon each person to clearly communicate their needs. Thus, giving

feedback and insights into what you really want is a critical component of good



Secret # 23. Many people are uncomfortable with

expressing anger for fear that it will damage

relationships. However, if feelings are buried, they don't

go away, they just fester. It's critical to learn how to

disagree respectfully and without attacking your spouse.

If a safe environment is created for discussing feelings,

it's much easier for the reticent spouse to have the

courage to share from their heart and resolve any



Secret # 24. It may surprise you to know that men

want to be understood, just like woman want to be understood. They want and

need marriage, and are willing to learn a few new 'dance steps' if given the

opportunity. Just let them lead, occasionally.


Secret # 25. Brain researchers have found that when people are scared,

hurt, or angry, stress hormones will flood their body and this results in the

rational part of their brain shutting down.

When the irrational part of the brain takes over, that is not the time to try and

have meaningful discussions with your spouse. Angry people don't discuss,

they rant and rave.


Secret # 26. As soon as you notice yourself getting uncomfortable with the

way your conversation is going, STOP and take a time out away from your

spouse. Go away for a short time (30-60 minutes) and coming back after both of

you have calmed down. While you're gone, review your behavior and figure out

how you can move from attacking or defending to discussing the problem.


Secret # 27. An important step in

communication is letting go of your need to be right.

If you feel you need to win the argument or prove

your partner is wrong, then you are impeding the

opportunity for your conversation to have a win-win


In the long run, does it really matter who is right?

Or is it more important to create an environment

where the opinions and ideas of both spouses are of

value? A wise religious leader once said, "Pride is

concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned

with what is right." It's not a matter of who is right; a

marriage partnership works together to humbly do

what is right.


Secret # 28. To completely accept your spouse, you also accept and respect

their point of view, even if you don't understand their point of view. Accepting

their viewpoint doesn't mean you agree with them, it only means that you are

willing to consider their point of view and try to understand what they are trying

to say. Trying to look through the eyes of another person helps bring



Secret # 29. Communication involves much more than words. The tone of

your voice and your body language create messages as well. Try to be sensitive

to the other messages you are portraying with a calm or angry tone. Work on

explaining your point truthfully and calmly, and keep your body relaxed as well.


Secret # 30. If you expect to get along with your spouse, you will. Talking

respectfully and looking for creative solutions to the problems you face as a

couple and as parents will go a long way in creating a strong and enduring

marriage. If you expect to have a confrontation, you will. If you expect to

resolve a conflict with respect and love, you will.