marriage secrets

marriage secrets 7
marriage secrets 1
marriage secrets 2
marriage secrets 3
marriage secrets 4
marriage secrets 5
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marriage secrets 9



Secret # 81. Lets just make it perfectly clear up front, marriage does not assure

you of unlimited great sex. The strength of your emotional intimacy with your

spouse has a direct impact on your physical intimacy. Developing good

communication, sensitivity, empathy and a host of other qualities that will build

your emotional intimacy will require work and determination. Only then does the

truly great sex follow.


Secret # 82. A sexless marriage is not a marriage doomed to divorce, but it is a

marriage with a serious problem. There are many feelings that occur in a sexless

marriage such as feelings of loneliness, listlessness, confusion, lack of confidence

and others.

They are challenging feelings to overcome, but not insurmountable. It's important

to discover the reason why you and your spouse are no longer sexually active, once

this has been figured out and resolved, other things will fall into place.


Secret # 83. You might find the need to include in your busy schedule time to

be intimate. Although spontaneity is great, which would you prefer, sex between

two exhausted people, late at night after the kids are down, the dishes are done and

the laundry is washed.

Or perhaps it's more appealing first thing in the morning, half asleep, with bad

breath? Now picture a wife climbing out of a relaxing candle light bath applying

enticing lotions and meeting her husband in bed with a smile and a twinkle in both

of their eyes.

If sex is important, it is worth treating it as a key part of keeping yourself and your

family running smoothly and being sure to include it in your busy schedule. If it's

in the schedule, you'll find other opportunities for spontaneity.


Secret # 84. A fun way to initiate intimacy is to seduce your husband. Men

are visual and seducing him in a sexy nightly as you whisper flattering and

suggestive words will heat things up quickly. Tease him, but don't be a tease.


Secret # 85. Husbands, believe it or not, great sex can start in the kitchen.

Consider helping wash the dishes, taking out the trash and letting her know that she

is appreciated. Exhaustion and sex do not help her avoid exhaustion and

you'll have many more rewarding nights. Plus, you might be surprised and how

enjoyable working side by side with your wife can be.


Secret # 86. Remember, sex is not a quick run to the finish line, take time to

have fun, relax and enjoy the build up to sex. Consider music, a back rub and

cuddling to help evolve to the grand finale.


Secret # 87. Try to keep your spouse guessing, surprise them with flowers, a

note on their windshield, in their lunch or brief case. Call them by their pet name in

an e-mail that is filled with code words of intimacy that only they will understand.

It sets the tone for the day, and can continue into the night.


Secret # 88. Did you know that sex in a loving

relationship has many health benefits? When women have sex

it triggers the release of oxytocin. This promotes feelings of

affection and triggers a nurturing instinct. When men have

sex, it encourages the flow of testosterone and testosterone

strengthens bones and muscles. It also helps transport DHEA,

this is a hormone that may be important in helping the body's

immune system function.


Secret # 89. Men, did you know that one very

important key to increase your sexual desirability in the eyes of your wife is your

ability to affect her mood in a positive way? Your ability to do this depends greatly

on your ability to communicate with your wife. As you master the ability to get

your wife in a good or positive mood you will master your ability to better

communicate with your spouse and become more sexually desirable.


Secret # 90. Sex alone will not sustain a marriage relationship. It's critical

that both partners take responsibility for their part in building a relationship that has

intimacy, passion and communication. It takes a lot of work to balance spontaneity,

playfulness and novelty with predictability to create an intimate framework that

will survive for the long haul.