marriage secrets

marriage secrets 7
marriage secrets 1
marriage secrets 2
marriage secrets 3
marriage secrets 4
marriage secrets 5
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marriage secrets 1



Secret # 1. Since the majority of parenting disagreements are about how

and when to discipline children, it's important to discuss your parenting plan in

advance and in private. Then you will have a united front as you discipline your

children and they will not be able to play one parent against another.


Secret # 2. Have a family counsel or meeting every week to help keep your

family connected and to strengthen your family relationships and keep your

marriage strong.


Secret # 3. Family meetings provide a great way to show appreciation to

family members, learn and teach important principles, discuss family plans, and

solve problems as a family.


Secret # 4. If you want to have secure and

happy children, your marriage relationship comes

first and children come second.

Many people mistakenly believe that if the children

are happy, the marriage is happy. That idea is

completely backwards in its application.

In reality, if the parents focus on making the

children happy, they typically neglect making each

other happy. Yet if they strive to have a strong,

loving and happy relationship with their spouse,

their children will see that bond and happiness

between their parents. This helps the child to be

more grounded and secure.

An added bonus of putting your relationship with your spouse first, is your

children will learn patience, tolerance, kindness, love, and forgiveness by seeing

the example of their parents.

If you raise a child who is the center of the family, they believe their needs are

more important than anyone else’s and will easily grow up to be demanding,

self-centered children. Remember, "The most important thing a father can do for

his children is to love their mother." -- Theodore M. Hesburgh


Secret # 5. When both parents are involved in parenting of children, both

the marriage and children benefit. A recent study found that the average dad, in

America, only spent 47 seconds per day in conversations with his children.

It's critical to have fathers involved in shaping the character and moral values of

our children. Effective interaction with fathers can help our children develop a

greater understanding of who they are and who they can become.

Spend enough time with your child to let them know that you are on their side

and want what is best for them.


Secret # 6. Although it is "common" for teenagers

to rebel and have conflict, it is not "normal". We often

hear of the turmoil of the teenage years; however, the

teenage years can actually be a time that parents and

their teenagers grow closer together.

As parents and teenagers discuss their differences of

opinion, their relationships will be strengthened and

there will not be an open rebellion against parental

authority. Teenagers still needed reasonable and

appropriate boundaries, as these are discussed and

reinforced, a parent can help guide their teenager

through the years of discovery that will help them

develop into a contributing young adult.


Secret # 7. The key to raising a 'successful child' is by being a successful

parent. A parent cannot 'make' their child successful; they can only give them

the tools to find success themselves.

These tools include modeling appropriate behavior in relationships, how they

work around the home and serve in their community. As your children see the

happiness that comes from maintain a strong working relationship in your

marriage, they will want to model this in their lives as well.


Secret # 8. There are times when all children choose not to obey or comply

with directions from their parents. Some parents hope in vain that if they ignore

this non-compliant behavior it will go away.

However, not only will it not go away, your child will begin to test you in other

areas of their life. In reality, children want and need boundaries and

consequences for their good and bad choices, without consistent boundaries and

consequences it is difficult for children to function appropriately in their family,

school and neighborhood.

Therefore, non-compliant behavior needs to be dealt with swiftly and

consistently and should not be allowed to divide the parents.


Secret # 9. Child idiosyncrasies you must accept and use:

? ? Children do not think like or view the world like adults...they will do

weird things. If it doesn't hurt them or destroy their outlook on life, let

them be weird kids some times.

? ? Children will do foolish things; it is your job to help them learn wisdom.

? ? Children will model behaviors that they see, so don't expect more from

them than you are willing to demonstrate and live yourself.

? ? Children do things for a reason; sometimes they even choose to misbehave

on purpose. They are testing you to see if you will stick to the lines you

have drawn in the sand. Their 'free expression' is not going to be

squelched by boundaries, maintaining these boundaries will only help

them better understand the world they need to live and function in for a

life time.

Secret # 10. A child’s behavior depends upon who the child is, what they

know or can expect from you and what they want. Typically, they want either

positive reinforcement or to try and get out of something they don't want to do.

Therefore, consist and united parenting in your marriage will help guide your

child through their toddler, adolescent and teenage years.