marriage secrets

marriage secrets 7
marriage secrets 1
marriage secrets 2
marriage secrets 3
marriage secrets 4
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marriage secrets 8




Secret # 71. Keeping love alive in a marriage requires work and

communication. If you feel like you have fallen out of love, take some time to list

why you think you are out of love, then decide if those reasons really will

prohibit the rekindling of your love.

Next, make a list of the things that attracted you to your spouse, the things you

loved about them. Those things are still there; they just need to be rediscovered.

If you find yourself in a loveless marriage, you don't have to keep it that way.

Look for ways to make your partner’s life easier and to show your love.

Your marriage should be worth the work to rekindle the

love you had before. As you put forward these efforts,

you will grow both as a person and as a spouse.


Secret # 72. Romance is more than just a

candlelight dinner. It is looking for opportunities to

pamper and spoil your spouse.

Pampering could include letting your spouse sleep in late

while you get up with the kids, or having them sit down

and relax while you clean up the dinner dishes.

This pampering should include comments about nothing is too good for your

sweetheart, etc. It wouldn't hurt to include a hug or kiss with this comment as



Secret # 73. Do you remember when you used to just talk? Not about

who’s going to take out the trash, pay the bill, or book the flight, but just talk to

be with each other.

Most couples don’t talk anymore-unless they have something to communicate, a

decision to make, or a task to complete. But the most important thing about

talking to each other is not communicating; it’s connecting. A "Talk Charge" is a

60 second personal conversation with your spouse about something non



Secret # 74. Touch your spouse in a loving way at least 3 times each day.

It is not foreplay or a sexual advance; it is purely for the sake of connecting at the

moment of the touch. When either of you are leaving or returning to the house,

give your spouse more than a quick peck. Give them a kiss that will help them

feel your love while they are gone or show that you are glad they have returned.


Secret # 75. Even though you both have busy schedules and you may not

feel like you have enough time to get the basics done each day, take time to be

intimate. Sex is a basic human need that has to take priority over other things, if

you have a sexless marriage, feelings of being taken of granted or uncared for

will creep into your marriage. As you set this as a priority, the other things in

your life will fall into place as your marriage is strengthened.


Secret # 76. It's difficult to have a successful

marriage and experience true love without spending at

least one night a week together that is free from

distractions of family and work. Have some fun with

date nights, experiment with silly and inexpensive dates.

Experiment and find fun things to do together.

Take a board game to a coffee house, climb a tree

together, go to an amusement park, or have a picnic in

the park. Whatever you do, focus on each other. Date

night is not about what you do; it's about you. By the

way, a true date night includes activities where you look

at each other, not at something else.

So if you are movie buffs, dinner before or dessert after will give you that time

face to face that really constitutes a date night.


Secret # 77. In addition to having a weekly date night, you should also

plan romantic retreats. The retreats should be at least 2 nights and 3 days so you

can more fully tune in to each other.

Occasionally, plan a surprise weekend retreat. It doesn't have to be expensive or

complex, although those are fun occasionally too. It could be as simple as a

picnic at a park in a nearby town and staying the night to explore the town the

next day.

The idea is to spend quality time together where you don't have to worry about

kids, work or things around the house. You can just worry about each other’s



Secret # 78. A fun thing to do for your loved one is to hand-write a love

letter. It's easier to write a love letter when you are in a good mood so keep this

in mind the next time you've had a great day and want to do something special

for your spouse.

You could also consider buying a sound track from a movie you both enjoyed. It

makes a great surprise gift and you can take it a step further by picking out a

song that reminds you of your spouse and tell them some

positive reason why it reminds you of them.


Secret # 79. To be sensitive and caring doesn't

require a lot of work; it just requires you to be a good

look out. Be on the lookout for ideas for birthday,

holiday, and anniversary gifts, plus no reason surprise

gifts. Not only is it fun finding the perfect gift that you

know they will appreciate, it is fun seeing the joy you

will bring to them as the open a gift that took time and

effort to find.


Secret # 80. The human touch is a vital part for us all to stay healthy, so in

addition to holding hands, hugging and touching, offer foot, shoulder and fullbody

massages to your spouse. If no strings are attached, you will still be

amazed at the brownie points you'll earn for your relationship bank account. A

relaxing massage tonight may mean some amazing intimacy tomorrow.

Genesis 12: 1-3
Then the Lord told Abram, "leave your country, your relatives, and your father's house, and go to the land that i will show you. I will cause you to become the father of a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and i will make you a blessing to others. I will bless those who bless you, and curse those that curse you. All the familes of the earth will be blessed through you."